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Наслов: Illicit Trade in Manufactured Cigarettes and Hand-Rolled Tobacco In North Macedonia
Authors: Trajkova Najdovska, Natasa
Mijovic Hristovska, Bojana
Mijovic Spasova, Tamara
Trenovski, Borce 
Issue Date: фев-2021
Publisher: Analytica | Thinking Laboratory
Abstract: The World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products (WHO, 2013)1 defines illicit trade in tobacco very broadly. A key part of illicit trade in tobacco is the illegal methods consumers use to circumvent tobacco taxes, which is defined as tax evasion. On the other hand, tax avoidance encompasses the legal ways consumers manage to pay lower prices by avoiding paying taxes. Tax evasion and tax avoidance undermine a country’s tobacco taxation and health policy efforts as they decrease tax revenues and undermine health, since the required health warnings and declarations of ingredients are usually absent on illegal products (Joossens et al., 2010).2 As prior independent estimates of tobacco tax evasion in North Macedonia were not available, Analytica conducted a study using novel data from the Survey on Tobacco Consumption in Southeastern European countries (STC-SEE). The survey was conducted for the first time in 2019 in six SEE countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia.3 Based on the survey data, the size and characteristics of tax evasion in manufactured cigarettes (MC) and hand-rolled cigarettes (HR) are estimated, followed by an empirical evaluation of possible factors affecting smokers’ probability of evading taxes. Hence, this study brings forward several key messages and policy recommendations for policy makers in North Macedonia.
Опис: About the project: Analytica is working in cooperation with the Institute of Economic Sciences from Belgrade, Serbia, which is coordinating a regional network of researchers in Southeastern Europe on tobacco taxation. The project is funded by the University of Illinois at Chicago’s (UIC) Institute for Health Research and Policy to conduct economic research on tobacco taxation in North Macedonia. UIC is a partner of the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use. The views expressed in this document cannot be attributed to, nor do they represent, the views of UIC, the Institute for Health Research and Policy, or Bloomberg Philanthropies.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/25835
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economics 07. Monographs / Монографии

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