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Наслов: The Experiential Museum – Avant-Garde Spatial Experiments and the Reorganization of the Human Sensorium
Other Titles: Zážitkové múzeum – avantgardné priestorové experimenty a reorganizácia ľudského zmyslového vnímania
Authors: Meri Batakoja
Karin Šerman
Keywords: art museum, modernity, avant-garde, experiential, experimental, modern architecture, space, architectural theory
Issue Date: јул-2021
Publisher: Architektúra & urbanizmus, Department of Architecture of the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Source: Batakoja, Meri and Karin Šerman. The Experiential Museum – Avant-Garde Spatial Experiments and the Reorganization of the Human Sensorium. In Architektúra & urbanizmus, Volume 55 (1-2), 2021: 3-17
Journal: Architektúra & urbanizmus
Series/Report no.: ISSN 0044-8680 (print);ISSN 2729-8752 (online)
Abstract: Avant-garde artistic experiments are unquestionably recognized as relevant to the museum field in the context of art and museum studies. This paper aims to reconfirm their relevance in the architectural context as well, selecting crucial cases and protagonists whose final products were not artworks or exhibitions per se, but new (concepts of) space. These new concepts of space were all treated as democratic and participatory new media capable of training and modernizing the whole of our human sensorium. In this way, a curious partnership is discovered between this “experiential” art museum and the discourse on architectural modernity. Imaginary space, expressionist space, correlational space, multimedia space and situationist space – these are the principal categories that this paper recognizes as five distinct productive devices for modernist perceptual reorganization.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/26127
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/archandurb.2021.55.1-2.1
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Architecture: Journal Articles

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