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Наслов: Continuous Peripheral Block as a Pain Treatment for Redressment and Physical Therapy in a 7-Year-Old Child - A Case Report
Authors: Ljubica Mikjunovikj-Derebanova
Ljupco Donev
Lazar Todorovic 
Vesna Cvetanovska-Naunov
Vasko Demjanski
Natalija Cokleska-Shuntov 
Violeta Ognjanova
Keywords: axillary nerve block
continuous peripheral nerve block
pediatric patient
perineural catheter
Issue Date: 22-апр-2022
Publisher: Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts / Sciendo
Journal: Prilozi (Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite. Oddelenie za medicinski nauki) 
Abstract: Abstract Continuous peripheral nerve block, also known as "local anesthetic perineural infusion," refers to percutaneous placement of a catheter near a peripheral nerve or plexus followed by administration of a local anesthetic through a catheter to provide anesthesia, or analgesia for several days, in some cases even for a month. This report describes the case of a 7 year old boy with left elbow contracture with limited flexion and extension who was admitted to the Clinic of Pediatric Surgery for redressment of the elbow and physical therapy. An ultrasound-guided axillary brachial plexus block was performed, with placement of a non-tunneled perineural catheter. Redressment of the left elbow was performed twice and before each redressment boluses of local anesthetic were applied through the perineural catheter. Physical therapy was performed painlessly with continuous perineural infusion. On the 5th day of catheter placement, the perineural catheter was removed without any prior complications such as hematoma, infection, catheter dislocation or leakage of local anesthetic. Our goal is to minimize the psychological and physical trauma to the patient, no matter how immature the patient is. Continuous regional anesthesia in children is a safe technique in postoperative pain management that facilitates early mobilization due to its sufficient analgesia and better comfort. It can provide in-home treatment, with adequate education for patients and parents, and improve rehabilitation in children.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/26489
DOI: 10.2478/prilozi-2022-0011
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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