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Наслов: Ecocentrism or the Attempt to Leave Antropocentricity
Authors: Donev, Dejan 
Keywords: ecocentrism, bioethics, anthropocentrism, Aldo Leopold, land ethics
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Trivent Publishing
Source: Donev, D. "Ecocentrism or the Attempt to Leave Antropocentricity", in "Bioethics of the Crazy Apes", O. Kelemen & G. Tari (eds.), Trivent Publishing, Budapest, 2019, pp. 176-186
Series/Report no.: Applied Ethics: From Bioethics to Environmental Ethics;
Conference: Bioethics in the New Age of Science - BNAS 2018, 10-11.05.2018, Szeged, Hungary
Abstract: With the emergence of industrialization as a social phenomenon, an event identifying the onset of dysfunctionality of the biotic community emerges: the issue of environmental sustainability. This question carries with it the need for expanding the views of traditional ethics that rests on anthropocentric theses. One of these approaches is ecocentrism, where the issue of the rights of individuals is crucial (whether it is just humans or people along with other living beings), stating that ecocentrism takes into account all participants in the biotic community as integral parts of the system. Logically, the mutual relations of the individuals of such a community and the consequences arising from their actions, which are the subject of research in this essay, are the main subjects of this position.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/2651
ISSN: 2630-8185
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 03: Book chapters / Делови и поглавја од книги

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