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Наслов: Ectopic Prostatic Tissue in Uterine Cervix: A Case Report
Authors: Jovanovikj, Rubens 
Kostadinova Kunovska, Slavica 
Angelovska, Tamara
Krsteska, Blagica 
Tanturovski, Dragan
Trajkovikj, Sofija
Spasevska, Liljana 
Keywords: Prostatic tissue in uterine cervix
Issue Date: апр-2022
Source: Rubens J. Ectopic Prostatic Tissue in Uterine Cervix: A Case Report. Ame J Surg Clin Case Rep. 2022; 4(10): 1-5
Journal: American Journal of Surgery and Clinical Case Reports
Abstract: Speaking about prostate in the context of a female patient would sound rather odd to the vast majority of interlocutors. We describe a case of ectopic prostatic tissue in the uterine cervix in a 30 years old patient. The microscopic analysis of the cervical cone biopsy showed H-SIL in the lower-left quadrant, diffuse foci of L-SIL, as well as a focus of low-grade cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia in the lower-left quadrant. Tubulo-alveolar glands were incorporated deeply in the cervical stroma were identified in the lower right quadrant, lined with two-layered,cuboidal to columnar, secretory epithelium, resting on a basal cell layer. The immunohis- tochemical analysis showed strong and diffuse PSA positivity in the superficial secretory cells, while the basal cells were CKHMW positive, as well as a partial positivity of Smooth muscle actin. Diagnosis of H-SIL accompanied by LCGIN and aberrant prostat- ic glands in the cervical stroma was made. In almost all reported cases, ectopic prostatic tissue in the female genital tract is a benign condition, although a further follow-up of the patients is required. Possible theories of histogenesis include a developmental anoma- ly, metaplasia of pre-existing endocervical glands, and derivation from mesonephric remnants. It is important that pathologists be aware of this condition and to take it into account in the differential diagnosis.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/26604
ISSN: 2689-8268
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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