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Наслов: Acute severe poisoning with disinfectant in senior aged patient-case report and overview of literature considering age influence on treatment decision in alcohol-based intoxications
Authors: Pereska, Zanina 
Simonovska, Natasha 
Babulovska, Aleksandra 
Berat-Huseini, Afrodita
Naumoski, Kiril 
Kostadinoski, Kristin 
Issue Date: 2021
Journal: SAGE open medical case reports
Abstract: We present our experiences in the first case of severe suicidal poisoning with 70% ethanol-disinfectant in North Macedonia, in an elderly patient with immunocompromising comorbidities. A 66-year-old unconscious woman was admitted at our clinic, with a history of seropositive rheumatoid arthritis treated with methotrexate. She was in a coma, without signs of serotonin syndrome, recurrent episodes of cardio-respiratory insufficiency under supportive treatment without invasive ventilation, metabolic acidosis, increased D-dimer 3254 ng/mL. The toxicology screening confirmed low benzodiazepines levels and alcoholaemia of 526 mg/dL (5.26 g/L), due to ingestion of 70% ethanol. Considering the decreased biotransformation in the elderly, immunocompromising comorbidities, reports of fatal outcome in poisoned elderly patients with disinfectants under standard fluids supportive protocol, haemodialysis was initiated, with registered associated hypercoagulability which resulted in complete stabilization after 48 h of admission. Treatment protocols of poisoning with ethanol-based disinfectant in the elderly should consider timely performing haemodialysis at lower alcoholaemia levels than recommended.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/27336
ISSN: 2050-313X
DOI: 10.1177/2050313X211047717
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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