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Наслов: Right-sided colonic diverticulitis in the young population
Authors: Nikolovski, Andrej 
Pavlovska, Irina 
Seljmani, Redjep 
Keywords: diverticulitis
diverticular disease
Issue Date: дек-2023
Publisher: Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Journal: Iranian Journal of Colorectal Research
Abstract: Although it is a condition of the elderly, diverticular disease (especially in the right colon) is seen in patients under the age of 50. In the past two decades, there have been an increasing number of reports on right-sided colon diverticulitis in the young population. Etiological and epidemiological studies give us partial answers on the occurrence of this condition. The sidedness and the fact that it occurs in younger populations makes this condition actual in terms of early and proper diagnosis thus avoiding unnecessary surgical explorative laparoscopies, laparotomies, appendectomies, etc. Most of the cases with acute right-sided colonic diverticulitis are mild, thus requiring a conservative treatment. However, complicated right-sided colonic diverticulitis is treated with some kind of intervention (percutaneous drainage or surgery). No treatment guidelines are present yet and the approach should be individualized and tailored according to the patient's condition and the severity of the diverticulitis. In case of a clinical deterioration, surgery should be considered regardless open or minimally invasive.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/28982
DOI: 10.30476/ACRR.2023.101076.1199
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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