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Наслов: Application of failure mode and effect analysis for tunnel risk assessment
Authors: Zafirovski Zlatko
Gacevski Vasko
Lazarevska Marijana
Nedevska Ivona
Ognjenovic Slobodan
Keywords: Tunnelling; Hazards; Risks; Assessment; Failure Mode and Effect Analysis.
Issue Date: јун-2022
Publisher: Macedonian association for geotechnics
Conference: The 5th Symposium of the Macedonian association for geotechnics
Abstract: Modern tunnel engineering is a complex task. From planning, design to construction, tunnels represent great challenge for the engineers and everyone involved in the projects. Nowadays the „classic“ approach in design and tunnel construction alone, is not adequate for the intense and demanding tunneling projects. With greater dimension, complexed locations and geological conditions, modern tunnel engineering initiates greater risks. These risks generally can be associated with financial and time loss and in some worse cases with human injuries and losses. For better understanding and dealing with the hazards and risks, they should be assessed in a separate part of the project. The paper shows how the failure mode and effects analysis can be used for tunnel risk assessment. This type of approach represents a semi-quantitative risk analysis that identifies the parts of a project (uncertainties and hazards), which need greater attention or change. The presented assessment is an application of modified failure mode and effect analysis using information from the design phase, for predicting potential risks in the construction process. The results from the analyzed road tunnel show the advantages and disadvantages of this approach and how it can be used in tunneling.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/29698
ISBN: 978-9989-2053-4-7
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Civil Engineering: Conference papers

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