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Наслов: | ЗБОРНИК ВО ЧЕСТ НА ПРОФ. Д-Р ЉУДМИЛ СПАСОВ – ПО ПОВОД 70 ГОДИНИ ОД НЕГОВОТО РАЃАЊЕ | Other Titles: | ЈАЗИЧНИОТ (ДЕ)ЕКСКЛУЗИВИЗАМ И МАКЕДОНСКИOT МУЛТИКУЛТУРЕН КОНТЕКСТ | Authors: | Chupeska, Ana | Keywords: | ЈАЗИК, ЈАЗИЧНИ ПРАВА, ЈАЗИЧНИ ПОЛИТИКИ, СИМБОЛИЧКИ ПОРЕДОК, МУЛТИКУЛТУРНА АКОМОДАЦИЈА | Issue Date: | 2022 | Publisher: | УНИВЕРЗИТЕТ „СВ. КИРИЛ И МЕТОДИЈ“ ФИЛОЛОШКИ ФАКУЛТЕТ „БЛАЖЕ КОНЕСКИ“ – СКОПЈЕ | Source: | / | Проект: | / | Journal: | ЗБОРНИК ВО ЧЕСТ НА ПРОФ. Д-Р ЉУДМИЛ СПАСОВ – ПО ПОВОД 70 ГОДИНИ ОД НЕГОВОТО РАЃАЊЕ | Conference: | / | Abstract: | The work is dedicated to issues related to the language exclusivism and/or (de)exclusivism. This because, in various states around the world this often can become a political hot topics. Indeed, linguistic claims asked by different cultural groups living under the same political sky are not something new having in mind the fact that societies are not culturally homogenous ( at societal level there are many particular identity ascriptions determined by the culture, language, religion, lifestyle, etc.). In accordance to the social fact of multiculturality, some of the countries are applying adequate language policies with intention to reflect exactly on such fact of multiculturality. That with the purpose to satisfy and enable ethnocultural justice. To the contrary, in other countries - this is not the case. Here I will try to reflect on the theoretical and practical aspects related to above mentioned issued, related to Macedonian language (de)exclusivism. Particularly, I argue that with the OFA, the Macedonian state successfully de-exclusives the language policies and leaves room for affirmation of non-majority languages to be present in the public sphere. | Опис: | / | URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/29758 | ISBN: | 978-608-234-097-5 978-608-220-078-1 |
Appears in Collections: | Faculty of Law: Books |
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