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Наслов: Излегувањето на Митра Миладинова од сенката на книжевните споменици
Authors: Антоновски, Иван
Keywords: Митра Миладинова, Излегувањето од сенка, Дијана Петрова, Славчо Ковилоски, роман.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Институт за македонска литература, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје
Source: Антоновски, И. 2023. „Излегувањето на Митра Миладинова од сенката на книжевните споменици“. Спектар, год. XLI, бр. 82, 87-102. https://spektar.edu.mk/sp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/ivan-antonovski_spektar_82-87-102.pdf
Journal: Спектар
Series/Report no.: Спектар;Год. XLI, бр. 82
Abstract: The paper refers to the novel "Emerging from the Shadow" by Macedonian author Dijana Petrova (Skopje, 2023) and the attitude of Macedonian literary science and historiography, and consequently the Macedonian cultural environment, to Mitra Miladinova, who, although being an exclusive figure of the Macedonian XIX century, so far, she has been generally neglected and undervalued. Highlighting, on one hand, the scientific research commitment of Slavcho Koviloski, and on the other, Petrova’s novel as a fiction/artistic achievement in which the central character is Miladinova (relying on the scientific insights of Koviloski in the creation of the story), the paper recognizes in them Miladinova’s emergence from the shadow of literary monuments and an opportunity for its valuable (re)actualization. The paper comments on the significance of Petrova’s novel in the context of trends in contemporary Macedonian prose, and as the only one of the newer Macedonian authors who accepts historical themes as a creative challenge. At the same time, the paper comments on the poetic peculiarities of this novel in comparison with other Macedonian literary achievements, which points to opportunities and the need for further analyses. At the same time, the paper points out the importance and the need for such creative endeavors, which will rectify the insufficient interest of literary science and historiography for some important topics.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/30170
ISSN: 0352-2423
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philology: Journal Articles

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