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Наслов: Estimation and analysis of various influential factors in the braking process of rail vehicles
Authors: Mickoski, Hristijan 
Djidrov, Marjan 
Mickoski, Ivan 
Keywords: Braking distances, stopping time, braking force, specific resistance, rail vehicle
Issue Date: авг-2019
Journal: Journal Vehicle System Dynamics
Abstract: Braking distances play an important role in the organization of rail traffic and exploitation of rail vehicles. The braking distances of rail vehicles affect several factors that cannot be defined and determined precisely. In this paper, a mathematical model, for train moving through braking, is presented by taking into account the relevant train braking resistance and a procedure is given for solving a differential equation of movement of the rail vehicle during braking. The procedure allows determining influential factors that have an effect on the length of braking distances. The influence and the changes of specific resistance during the movement of the train, braking force, and adhesion between wheel and rail during the braking process are presented. The results obtained with the presented mathematical model are accurate and match with the results obtained experimentally.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/3709
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00423114.2019.1656812
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Journal Articles

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