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Наслов: Analysis Of The Status And Structure Of The Consumption Of Students And Pensioners In Macedonia
Authors: Trenovski, Borce 
Keywords: pensioners, students, structure of consumption, social status of the pensioners/students, impact of the change in prices
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Center for Economic Analyses (CEA)
Source: Trenovski, B., 2009. Analysis Of The Status And Structure Of The Consumption Of Students And Pensioners In Macedonia. CEA Journal of Economics, 4(2).
Journal: CEA Journal of Economics
Abstract: The study covers a sensitive topic concerning the living standard and quality of life of two social groups pensioners and students, presented through the structure of consumption and impact on it (particularly the impact of price change). It consists of four sections: introduction, sections for pensioners, sections for students and sections where the main findings are presented. Pensioners and students have a central place in this paper, therefore the analysis should determine: the structure of pensioners/students included in the analysis; the social status of the pensioners/students; the structure of the pensioners'/students' consumption and the reflection of the price change on the pensioners'/students' consumption. This study is meant to present the basis and impetus for further researches of the status, and the consumption of these social groups, as well as research of the factors that have direct impact on the consumption and on the quality of life of pensioners and students. This study reveals the most sensitive points (social status, structure of consumption, conditions etc.) concerning these social groups, and should be an alert for the creators of the economic and social policies in the country.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/4980
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economics 03: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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