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Наслов: Econometrics with Application in EViews- Second Edition
Authors: Bucevska, Vesna 
Keywords: Econometrics. EViews
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Economics-Skopje
Abstract: There are already a large number of textbooks in econometrics. However most of them teach econometric theory in the theory and proof mode, giving students only limited exposure to applied econometric work. With the rapid use of computer technology in the teaching of econometrics, writing of textbooks which combine econometric theory and practice become a bare necessity. The book Econometrics with Application in EViews is such a textbook. It is designed to provide both undergraduate and postgraduate students of economics, but also students other sciences using econometrics, with introduction to econometric theory and techniques by demonstrating its use with the econometric software package EViews 6, which is the number one Windows-based econometric software package in the world. The emphasis of the book is on practice rather than on theory. Therefore in elaborating the various topics, I have used very little matrix algebra or calculus and no proofs. The reader of this book is assumed to have a good knowledge of elementary statistics, matrix algebra and some previous exposure to regression analysis. In my experience in teaching econometrics both at undergraduate and postgraduate level, students learn econometrics more efficiently when they see techniques being applied to real data by running a statistical package on a computer. Therefore, the book Econometrics with Application in EViews contains numerous illustrative examples that are solved using the statistical software package EViews 6. The computer printouts from this statistical package are also included in the book. All the data sets can be found on the CD accompanying this textbook.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/5948
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economics 01: Books / Книги

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