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Наслов: | Проширување на наследените методолошки параметри (идентитетот и меморијата) | Authors: | Tasevska Hadji Boshkova, Iskra | Keywords: | identity, memory, autobiography, 19th-century Macedonian literature, discourse. | Issue Date: | 2017 | Publisher: | Фабер | Journal: | Сборник с доклади от Тринадесетите международни славистични четения Мултикултурализъм и многоезичие, София 21-23 април 2016. Велико Търново, Фабер, 2017, стр. 364-371. | Conference: | Тринаесетти славистички читања, организирани од Факултетот за словенски филологии при Софискиот универзитет „Св. Климент Охридски“, одржани во Софија во периодот од 21 до 23 април 2016 година. | Abstract: | The new multicultural world, manifested in globalization, enables the possibility of revalorization of all inherited theoretical concepts. This process was widely affirmed through the new and authentic definitions of the terms identity and memory (e.g. Benedict Anderson, Anthony D. Smith, Paul Ricoeur etc.). Taking into account that the idea of possible transfiguration of the 19th-century methodological paradigm was anticipated in the 1920s (by Mikhail M. Bakhtin and his dominant concept of heteroglossia, although its affirmation in Western countries happened much later), the purpose of this paper is to investigate the positive effects of this innovative approach to the questions of identity and memory, seen through one specific genre in 19th-century Macedonian literature (“Autobiography” by Marko Tzepenkov). The specifics of polyphonic and dispersive autobiographical subjectivity in this text can be analyzed through Macedonian cultural identity in this period. Autobiographical discourses are actually the main ground for deliberating the problem of historical and fictional in contemporary narratives, as well as a methodological device for embedding terminological differences. | URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/6852 | ISBN: | 978-619-00-0651-0 |
Appears in Collections: | Faculty of Philology: Conference papers |
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