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Наслов: За совладетелството на Деметриј II
Authors: Пановски, Стефан 
Саракински, Војислав 
Keywords: Demetrios Poliorketes, Demetrios II, Antigonos Gonatas, co-regency
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Институт за национална историја, Скопје
Source: Пановски, С. & Саракински, В. (2019). „За совладетелството на Деметриј II“. Гласник ИНИ 63.1-2 (2019), 7–20.
Journal: Гласник на ИНИ
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to review once more the evidence for the alleged co-regency of Gonatas and Demetrios II, as well as the interpretations offered by modern historians. While it is accepted that, considering all the evidence, the theories of both R. M. Errington and E. Grzybek are untenable, it is maintained that contrary to the opinion of a number of historians, the question is still far from settled. The contradictions in the sources remain unresolved, and most of the offered explanations are unconvincing or at the very least hypothetical, which is why the firm stance on the issue taken by some researchers (whether for or against a co-regency) seems unfounded. Considering the scarcity and the contradicting nature of the available evidence, a definitive solution of the issue remains impossible until a new piece of information presents itself.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/6972
ISSN: 0583-4961
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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