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Наслов: Интертекстуалноста како семиотичка и амбивалентна релација во романот „Дон Кихот“ од Мигел де Сервантес Сааведра
Authors: Tasevska Hadji Boshkova, Iskra 
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Филолошки факултет „Блаже Конески“
Source: Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“, кн. 36. Скопје: Филолошки факултет „Блаже Конески“, 2010, 443-452.
Journal: Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“, кн. 36
Abstract: Intertextuality is one of the most specific phenomenon undoubtedly related to the theoretical and methodological postulates of Mikhail Bakhtin, which predecessor is the notion of dialogism as generally cultural specifics. Accounted differently, intertextuality affirms the existence of the “other” voice, thus drawing up the range of the actual double-voices (from stylization to active double-voiced speech). There is, however, deliberation about the eternal co-relation of texts involved into the semiotic theoretical and methodological paradigm, whose most prominent and intelligible scholar is Jurij M. Lotman. His concept of intertextuality as “text in text” creates a conscience about the minus-acts, and the significance of the meaningful zero (the absence as graphical and critical/interpretative sign).
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/7076
ISSN: 1409-8571
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philology: Journal Articles

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