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Наслов: Applicability of the ECGalert solution
Authors: Gusev, Marjan 
Poposka, Lidija 
Guseva, Ema
Keywords: ECG monitoring,
ECGalert solution
Issue Date: ное-2017
Conference: 25th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2017
Abstract: Abstract—Wireless ECG patches have been extensively used for long-term monitoring of the patient and to help detect heart problems that cannot be captured within 24h monitoring. In this paper, we present how the ECGalert technology has successfully been used to detect serious heart problems as a long-term monitoring device. We present the features of the solution and a use case of applicability. Index Terms—ECG, electrocardiogram, sampling frequency, wearable telemedicine sensors
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/7650
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Conference papers

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