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Наслов: Influence of Cr content in steel 12X1MF on exploitation life of superheater pipes
Authors: Zdraveski, Filip 
Runchev, Dobre 
Keywords: Boiler tube failures, high-temperature, high-pressure, creep, lifetime assessment
Issue Date: 16-окт-2019
Publisher: Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod
Conference: Proceedings of 10th International scientific-professional conference SWB 2019
Abstract: The most widely-used material for tubes in ex soviet power plants is steel 12X1MF. Until today, 12X1MF has proven to be a reliable material for use in plants that operate in conditions of creep (temperature about 540-550 °C and pressure about 14-15 MPa). The microstructure of steel in the initial state depends on the heat treatment that it has undergone. Generally, low alloy CrMo(V) creep-resistant steels applied for construction of energy plants have initial ferritic-bainitic microstructure with fine dispersion of globular carbides precipitated in the ferritic matrix and at grain boundaries. Chromium has a positive effect on the heat resistance (resistance to oxidation) of the steel as well as hardenability and indirectly affects the creep resistance. Chromium should be in a solid solution. After complete heat treatment cycle, chromium carbides in 12Х1MF should not exceed 10-20% of the total Cr+Mo+V carbide content. The effect of chromium in ferritic creep-resistant steels is complex. This paper deals with the case of a superheater pipe failure (fish-mouth rupture) which is partly caused by the fact that the pipe has a lower Cr content than that provided for 12Х1MF steel.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/8106
ISBN: 978-953-6048-95-3
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Conference papers

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