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Наслов: Mathematical model of dynamic vibration absorber-response prediction and reduction
Authors: Zdraveski, Filip 
Doncheva, Elisaveta 
Keywords: structural dynamics, DVA, relative speed, response, state-space model
Issue Date: фев-2016
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara
Journal: ANNALS of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara – International Journal of Engineering
Abstract: This paper is dealing with procedures for mathematical modeling of DVA. Usually the problems of optimization are converted to equivalent single degree of freedom (SDOF) structure at particular mode in order to optimize the damper. There are three main parameters in a DVA system: DVA mass, DVA stiffness coefficient and DVA damping ratio. Consequently, the objective is to find the optimum value of these parameters. This paper is investigating also the effect of relative speed of primary structure and its influence on response.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/8109
ISSN: 1584-2665
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Journal Articles

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