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Наслов: Government institutional support for fostering SME’s innovation in Western Balkan countries
Authors: Petkovska, Mirchevska Tatjana
Daniloska, Natasha 
Boshkovska, Diana 
Petkovski, Vladimir 
Majstoroska, Jasmina
Keywords: innovation; SME’s; innovation policy; Western Balkan countries
Issue Date: дек-2019
Publisher: Economic Development, Journal of the Institute of Economics – Skopje
Journal: Economic Development Journal of the Institute of Economics – Skopje
Abstract: The Western Balkans countries, including Republic North Macedonia, recognized the importance of innovation policy and strategy for the development of SME’s. In this paper, a theoretical and comparative analyses of the policies and infrastructure for fostering innovation has been implemented, with accent on the government institutional support for innovative SME’s as sub-dimension for creating and implementing the innovation policy in Western Balkans countries.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/8352
ISSN: 1857-7741
Appears in Collections:Institute of Economics: Journal Articles

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