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Наслов: Architectural Term: Self-Similarity
Authors: Papasterevski, D., Cenovski, F.
Keywords: fractal geometry, complexity, self-similarity, vocabulary
Issue Date: 12-јун-2020
Publisher: Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI
Source: Papasterevski, D., Cenovski, F., (2020): Architectural Term: Self -Similarity. Scientific journal: South East European Journal of Architecture and Design, Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI, Volume 2020; Article ID10054,4pages, indexation by Respiratorium of UKIM, eISSN: 1857-9353
Journal: South East European Journal of Architecture and Design
Abstract: Architecture, as one of the oldest areas of human activity, describes several categories that seem to be effective today: firmitas, utilities, venustas. But on the other hand, almost every period re-examines and reinterprets these terms. What is happening today? Are there old provisions still? Can we create new ones or expand, modify or re-create them? This paper evaluates the term of the architectural theme to contribute to the creation of a kind of critical vocabulary of contemporary architecture in the context of understanding architectural thought. Different ways of understanding/interpreting an architectural term can lead us to a new and different way of understanding and comprehending architecture itself in a modern changing world. This paper considers the relationship between fractal geometry and architecture as they respond to complexity and order, through the architectural term “self-similarity”.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/8615
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Architecture: Journal Articles

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