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Наслов: Ниво на доживување на телесна целост кај развојните диспраксични и дисгностички растројства
Other Titles: The Level of Experience of the Body Whole in Developmental Dispraxic and Disgnostic Disorders
Authors: Копачев, Драгослав 
Трајковски, Владимир 
Keywords: телесна целост, диспраксија, дисгностички растројства
Issue Date: 2000
Publisher: Faculty of Philosophy, UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia
Source: Копачев Д, Трајковски В. Ниво на доживување на телесна целост кај развојните диспраксични и дисгностички растројства. Дефектолошка теорија и практика. Скопје, 2000; 1-2: 110-116
Journal: Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Abstract: The authors aim is to processed the level of experience of body whole in children with praxic and Gnostics disharmony. The authors were observed 46 children with dispraxis and disgnosis, age from 8-12 years, from different sex and with average intellectual capabilities. They have been treated at our institute in the period of 1998-2000. The tests for neuro-psychological esteem have been used. Children with dispraxis showed failure on the tests of Body scheme (92.3%) and on the tests of gesticulate imitation too. Especially they failure in the phase of constructor of the body figure. Children with disgnosis showed better results at the tests of Body scheme (70%). They did all praxical activities normally, but they showed problems in recognition of some body parts. The mental cognition was not developed properly, dominantly in children with dispraxy (for figurative symbolism). In children with disgnosy assymbolism on the level of lingual structures is dominated. The author's conclusion is that Body scheme experience is the base of all psychic functions. Because the body scheme is not properly build, it is fragile of the attacks from the environment, and different clinical manifestations could be showed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/866
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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