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Наслов: Macedonian Cultural Plurality at the Crossroads ofthe Balkans: Drama, Music and Dance
Authors: Sonja Zdravkova Djeparoska
Keywords: dance; music; drama; performativity; Macedonia; Balkans
Issue Date: 30-јул-2020
Publisher: MDPI, Switzerland
Journal: Arts Volume 9 Issue 3
Abstract: Defining the Balkans as a geographic, cultural and semantic entity triggers an interpretationof them as some idea, concept, oftentimes even a stereotype. The Balkans are usually interpreted as asingular entity, generalized and set in a single framework. That generalized view is often ambivalent.The Balkans are often interpreted and presented as a ‘powder keg’, a ‘bridge between the Eastand the West’, a part of Europe that is simply different, a place of strong emotions and attractiveforms of music and dance, etc. However, the Balkans represent a set of cultural units that are inconstant interaction, with each of the cultures of the Balkans being specific and authentic. Macedonia,as one of the pages of the ‘Balkan story’, will be presented at three levels—regarding its drama,music and dance. The specific characteristics of the music and the dance fields will be presentedthrough their most significant features and examples, and the treatment of the topic of the Balkans inMacedonian drama will be covered as well. The analysis confirms that generalization is impossibleeven within a single culture, as each artist and medium of performance has its own unique expression.The cultural forms of Macedonian culture are only part of the wider pluralistic representation ofthe Balkans. It may be offered under theBalkansas the common denominator, but the truth is thatthis/representation/concept is polyvalent, multicultural, polysemic and extremely rich.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/8758
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Music: Journal Articles

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