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Наслов: Evaluation of effects of repetitive recruitment maneuvers
Authors: Tatjana Trojik
Mirjana Shosholcheva 
Jasmina Radulovska-Chabukovska
Margita Lovach-Chepujnoska
Keywords: acute respiratory failure
repetitive recruitment maneuvers
respiratory distress
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Journal: Acta Informatica Medica
Abstract: Introduction: acute respiratory failure is manifested clinically as patient with variable degrees of respiratory distress, but characteristically an abnormal arterial blood partial pressure of oxygen or carbon dioxide. The application of mechanical ventilation in this setting can be life saving. Goals: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of two recruitment maneuvers not only on oxygenation, but on aeration of the lung as well. For that purpose chest x ray and thoracic computed tomography scan (CT) of the lung were used as safe and objective methods for evaluation the impact of recruitment maneuvers on aeration of the lung. CT scan and chest x ray were performed before recruitment maneuvers as confirmation of diagnose and one day after the last recruitment maneuvers. Material and methods: Sixty patients who met ar DS criteria of the american european consensus conference were included in this study. This study was conducted in iCU in our hospital between november 2009 and December 2011. Patients were orally intubated, sedated with 0, 2-0, 4 μg/kg /min and midazolam 4 mg/h, and ventilated with evita 2 Dura ventilator (Dragger germany). According to the recom-mendation of the Consensus Conference of the american College of Chest physician all patients had an arterial catheter and cen-tral venous catheter. Hemodynamic data were collected from Data Ohmeda monitors. Gas analyses were mesured from blood samples taken from arteria radialis. Partial pressure of oxygen of mixed blood was messured from blood sample taken from v jugularis interior. We used arterial blood colection syringe Bd preset, and blood samples were analyzed with aVl 995HB blood gas analiser. Results: HEMODYNAMIC CHANGES: there wasn't any differences in heart rate, and mean arterial blood pressure before the recruitment five minutes and sixty minutes after the recruitment in both groups. respiratory mechanics: Highest values of the compliance are achived during the recruitment manouver in both groups. There was better improvment in compliance during the e sigh recruitment maneouver, then in Cpap recruitment maneouver. There was improvement in chest X ray in both groups. 93,4% of patients in the Cpap group and 96,7% in e sigh group. CT scan: in Cpap group there were 8 patients with focal changes and 22 patients with diffusse changes. in e sigh group 29 patients had diffuse changes of the lung and one patient had focal changes. We noticed that there was better improvment in aeration in patients with diffuse changes of the lung 96.7% in e sigh group and 73,3% in Cpapgroup. In patient with focal changes there was improvment in 26,7% in e sigh group and 3,3% in Cpap group. We noticed that there was better improvmnet in aeration in patients with diffuse changes than in patients with focal changes. E sigh maneuver had better impact on aeration of the lung then Cpap recruitment maneuver. Conclusion: In our study we proved that e sigh recruitment maneuvers better improved oxygenation in arterial blood than Cpap recruitment maneuver. Repetative e sigh manouvers proved to be essential for arDS patients. They reopened collapsed alveolli and improved aeration of the lung which was confirmed by X ray and CT scan as an objective methods for verification of lung condition.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/8805
ISSN: 0353-8109
DOI: 10.5455/aim.2012.20.85-89
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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