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Наслов: Hepatitis C virus infection in maintenance hemodialysis patients: recommendations for diagnostics and treatment.
Authors: Pavlina, Dzekova Vidimliski 
Aleksandar Shikole 
Issue Date: фев-2017
Journal: International Journal of Artificial Organs
Abstract: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is highly prevalent among patients treated with maintenance hemodialysis and is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. It is necessary to determine the HCV genotype and the viral load to monitor the clinical and laboratory features and to establish an optimal antiviral treatment strategy. Antiviral treatments are presented with a standard interferon-based regimen and new direct-acting antiviral agents. The advent of direct-acting antivirals has improved the efficacy and safety of HCV treatment for most patients, even in difficult-to-treat populations such as patients on hemodialysis. HCV treatment with direct-acting antivirals in hemodialysis patients is highly effective, with viral eradication rates similar to those seen in patients without chronic kidney disease and with acceptable adverse event profiles.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/8865
DOI: 10.5301/ijao.5000548
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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