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Наслов: The relation of humor structure appreciation with sensation seeking and judgments of complex-abstract art and sophisticated music
Authors: Sulejmanov, Filip 
Keywords: humor structure appreciation, sensation seeking, abstract art, sophisticated music.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Serbian Psychological Society, Belgrade
Source: Sulejmanov, F. (2018). The relation of humor structure appreciation with sensation seeking and judgments of complex-abstract art and sophisticated music. Psihologija, 51(2), 229-241
Journal: Psihologija
Abstract: The aim of the present study is two-fold. Firstly, the relation between sensation seeking and humor structure appreciation has been investigated (Carretero-Dios & Ruch, 2010), and also the association between humor structure appreciation and complex-abstract art has been reported (Ruch & Hehl, 1998). In that sense, this study aims to replicate previously reported findings. Second, the association between humor structure appreciation and sophisticated music (Rentfrow, Goldberg, & Levitin, 2011) was explored. Results obtained from 77 participants partially supported the predictions. Sensation seeking was negatively related with the aversiveness ratings of nonsense humor, while pleasantness of complex-abstract art was negatively associated with funniness of incongruity-resolution humor and positively with the structure preference index. Aversiveness of incongruity-resolution humor correlated negatively with sophisticated music ratings. Finally, ratings on the abstract-art paintings and sophisticated musical excerpts were positively associated. Implications of the findings, limitations of this study and avenues for further research are examined
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/936
DOI: 10.2298/PSI170131010S
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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