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Authors: Angeloska-Dichovska, Monika
Petkovska Mirchevska, Tatjana
Janevski, Zoran 
Keywords: strategic planning
business environment
Issue Date: окт-2019
Conference: 11th International Conference “Digital Transformation of the Economy and Society: Shaping the Future”, Faculty of Economics – Prilep, “St. Kliment Ohridski” University – Bitola, 19-20 October 2019, Prilep, Macedonia
Abstract: The dominant use of information technology have a huge impact on today's transformation of many enterprises and imposes the need for changes in the business model. The changeable and unstable environment urges the business entities not only to constantly adjust but also to accept a strategic approach especially to their e-market performance.Businesses that use digital technologies and the Internet in their business activities are becoming more competitive and efficient, and time and space constraints are disappearing for them. The paper emphasizes the need for a strategic approach to the new business environment, which will lead to greater implementation of e-business activities and models in the operation of small businesses. By using statistical analysis examines how knowledge of certain elements of strategic analysis will lead to more e-business activities, ie implementation of e-business models and applications. Тhe analysis in the paper emphasizes the correlation between the perception of the business entities regarding the conditions and the opportunities in e-environment and their internal factors, on one hand, and the implementation of the e-business applications and models in their business operations, on the other hand.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/9436
Appears in Collections:Institute of Economics: Conference papers

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