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Наслов: MSWordSST – A New Steganalytical Tool for Microsoft Word Documents
Authors: Stojanov, Ivan
Mileva, Aleksandra 
Stojanov, Done
Stojkovich, Natasha
Keywords: Text steganalysis, Open space method, Property coding, Character coding, Invisible characters
Issue Date: 24-сеп-2020
Series/Report no.: ISSN 1857-7288;
Conference: ICT Innovations 2020
Abstract: Text steganography is the art of hiding data in the text messages or text documents, so that no one suspects it exists. As opposite, the basic task of steganalysis is to detect which carriers have secret bits encoded in them. In this paper, we present a new software tool for steganalysis of nine different format-based steganographic methods in MS Word documents. First, we describe the detection features that we use, which are extracted from the examined document, and after that, we perform experiments for performance analysis of the tool on the legitimate documents and generated stego documents obtained by four property coding methods.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/9492
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers

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