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Наслов: Implementation of the Bologna process at the Institute of special education and rehabilitation
Other Titles: Имплементација на Болоњскиот процес на Институтот за дефектологија
Authors: Dimitrova Radojichikj, Daniela 
Chichevska Jovanova, Natasha 
Keywords: The Bologna process, Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, European Credit Transfer System.
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje
Source: Dimitrova-Radojichikj D., Chichevska-Jovanova N. (2007). Implementation of the Bologna Process at the Institute of special education and rehabilitation. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. 8 (3-4): 5-14.
Journal: Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Abstract: This paper presents the changes of the studies in special education and rehabilitation at the Faculty of Philosophy due to the Bologna process. The aim is to give a comparative review of the old and the new study program.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/960
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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