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Наслов: Development and Initial Validation of the Single-Item Wittiness Scale: A Preliminary Study
Authors: Sulejmanov, Filip 
Renner, Karl-Heinz
Keywords: wittiness, scale development, histrionic self-presentation style, katagelasticism
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Israeli Society for Humor Studies, Shoham
Source: Sulejmanov, F. & Renner, K.-H. (2017). Development and Initial Validation of the Single-Item Wittiness Scale: A Preliminary Study. Israeli Journal for Humor Research, 1, 54 – 66.
Journal: Israeli Journal for Humor Research
Abstract: The present study aim was the construction and initial validation of the Single-Item Wittiness Scale (SIWS). We define wittiness as a specific type of humor production, which includes two separate processes: production fluency and production success (Moran et al., 2013). In that sense,the single item that was constructed reflects both of these processes. The SIWS was administered to a total sample of 83 high school students (30 male and 53 female), together with the As-if-Scale (Renner et al.,2008)and katagelasticism subscale of the PhoPhiKat (Ruch & Proyer, 2009). The results show that, first, self and peer-rated wittiness were positively associated. Second, males tend to have higher scores on peer-rated wittiness. Next, histrionic self-presentation style correlated positively with both self and peer ratings of wittiness. Finally, (active) katagelasticism was not associated with either self or peer-rated wittiness. Therefore the construct validity of the SIWS was partially confirmed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/964
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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