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Наслов: Heterogeneous Distributed Databases and Distributed Query Processing in Grid Computing
Authors: Kakashevski, Gorgi
Mishev, Anastas 
Jakimovski, Boro 
Keywords: Grid computing, heterogeneous databases, distributed query processing, OGSA-DAI
Issue Date: сеп-2011
Journal: ICT Innovations 2011 Web Proceedings
Abstract: Access to large data volumes is one of the stronger benefits of the Grid computing. While most of this data is file based, the need for access to structured data is increasing. Because of the nature of Grid to be heterogeneous and distributed environment, the database systems which should works on Grid must support this architecture. These systems must also have a solution for distributed query processing, for retrieving data from different sites and in different formats. OGSA-DAI is an example of such extensible service-based framework that allows data resources to be incorporated into Grid fabrics. As a conclusion of this paper, we propose several visions for future work.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/24151
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Journal Articles

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