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Наслов: The Link between Productivity and Labour Compensation in Selected Central and Southeast European Countries
Authors: Trenovski, Borce 
Tashevska, Biljana 
Kozheski, Kristijan 
Merdzan, Gunter 
Keywords: Productivity
labor market
regression analysis
European Union countries
Issue Date: окт-2019
Publisher: Faculty of Economics in Banja Luka
Conference: 7th Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies (REDETE) Conference on the Topic „New Challenges Facing Transition and Emerging Economies“
Abstract: The link between labor productivity and labor compensation has been of great interest in economic research. The traditional economic theory argues that there is a positive link between productivity and workers’ compensation. According to this theory, increasing labor productivity will cause an increase in the wage level and will boost the average household purchasing and consumption power. However, many research studies addressing this issue indicate a weakening of the link between labor productivity and compensation received by employees, with a rising divergence since the 1980s, when labor productivity started growing faster than real wage. The purpose of this research is to analyze the extent of the decoupling phenomenon in selected CEE countries compared to Western European countries. In this respect, the paper attempts to explore the causal relationship between productivity and real labor compensation and offer empirical evidence for the existence of the so-called Great decoupling between the two variables.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/25761
ISBN: 978-99938-46-87-1
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economics 02: Conference papers / Трудови од научни конференции

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