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Title: TIMSS vs Macedonian Physics Curriculum
Authors: Zajkov, Oliver 
Bogdanoska, Jana 
Andrijana Gjoreska
Keywords: TIMSS
physics curriculum
Issue Date: Sep-2022
Publisher: Society of Physicists of Macedonia
Project: Воведување стандардни тестови по физика за основно образование и систем за поддршка во наставата
Conference: Conference Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the Society of Physicists of Macedonia (CSPM 2022)
Abstract: Over the years, with each subsequent TIMSS assessment, the results of the Macedonian students are poorer. We analyze the primary school physics curriculum and compare the contents that were tested with TIMSS in 1999, when Macedonia had its best result. The analysis reveals that there is a large difference in content between what was tested in 1999 and the content now covered by the current physics curriculum for primary education. Concrete examples of good compliance and high non-compliance are given. Finally, guidelines are proposed to align with world trends and to improve physics curricula.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Conference papers

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