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Наслов: Memory-Centric Approach of Network Processing in a Modified RISC-based Processing Core
Authors: Efnusheva, Danijela
Dokoski, Goce 
Tentov, Aristotel 
Kalendar, Marija 
Keywords: IP packet processing; memory-centric computing; network processors; next generation networks; RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing)
Issue Date: дек-2016
Publisher: Future Technologies Conference 2016, FTC 2016
Series/Report no.: Proceedings of Future Technologies Conference 2016, FTC 2016;pp. 1181 - 1188
Conference: Future Technologies Conference 2016, FTC 2016
Abstract: The persistent rapid and vast growth of Internet's population, considering number of users, servers, links, and many new applications, has led to exponential network traffic increase, stimulating the increased demand for greater capacity of the communication network. While the fiber optic links are capable to achieve multi-gigabit bandwidth, the router's network processing hardware still remains the bottleneck for communication in networks. Therefore, in this paper we investigate the applicability of a novel memory-centric approach of network processing in a modified RISC-based processing core. The proposed processing core provides direct access to memory resources, without the use of general-purpose registers (GPRs) and cache memory, and also implements memory aliasing to specific IP header fields, thus providing easier manipulation of network packet headers. The results of Ipv4/IPv6 network processing simulations verify that the proposed network processor core achieves comparable performances to the Intel's IXP RISC micro engine.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/9771
DOI: 10.1109/FTC.2016.7821751
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies: Conference Papers

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